On Wednesday March 9th, the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group of the VU University organises a seminar preceding the PhD Defence of Laurens Rietveld. You are cordially invited to attend both the seminar and the defence of Laurens.

The seminar takes place at 13.00-14.30 in the VU University Amsterdam, main building, EZ - HG-03A10 Agora 4. The defence of Laurens Rietveld on the topic of Publishing and Consuming Linked Data starts at 15.45 in the Aula.

13.00, Prof.dr. Sören Auer Title: Linking Data on the Web and within Enterprises

Abstract: In the last years, the Linked Data concept gained wide attention for integrating distributed, heterogeneous data on the Web and within enterprises. In this talk, we discuss some crucial research and technology challenges of the Linked Data management life-cycle including extraction, linking, quality assurance, authoring and visualization. We look at existing and promising future Linked Data applications in the Digital Humanities/Cultural Heritage, Enterprise Data and Internet of Thing/Industry 4.0 domains.

Bio: Sören heads the Enterprise Information Systems group at the computer science department at University of Bonn. He is also member of the leadership council of Fraunhofer-Insitute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS) and scientific head of the Fraunhofer IAIS department Organized Knowledge. Before joining University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS in 2013, Sören founded AKSW research group at University of Leipzig and worked at TU Chemnitz as well as University of Pennsylvania.

13.45, Prof.dr, Stefan Decker Title: Knowledge Representation on the Web revisited: the case for Prototypes

Abstract: In recent years RDF and OWL have become the most common knowledge representation languages in use on the Web, propelled by the recommendation of the W3C. In this talk I will report on some work to develop a case for using a different approach for representing knowledge on the Web. I argue, that an approach, based on Prototypes, is more suitable than the currently available paradigms for representing knowledge on the Web. I will discuss requirements and design principles for Knowledge Representation based on Prototypes on the Web, after which I propose a formal syntax and semantics. I report on an implementation and on the usability of the system. The presented work is jointly done with Michael Cochez (University of Jyvaskyla).

Bio: Prof Stefan Decker is a professor at RWTH Aachen University and a Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT). He had a Chair at the National University of Ireland, Galway in conjunction with the Directorship of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (now Insight), a Research Assistant Professor position at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California, and positions at Stanford University and University of Karlsruhe. His current research interests include the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Open Data, ontologies and semi-structured data, and applications for Digital Humanities and the Life Sciences.