Source: Semantic Web world for you

I’m currently spending some time at Yahoo labs in Barcelona to work with Peter Mika and his team on data analysis. Last week, I was invited to give a seminar on how we perform network-based analysis of Linked Data at the VU. The slides are embedded at the end of this post.

Essentially, we observe that focusing only on the triples (c.f., for instance, a BTC snapshot) is not enough to explain some of the patterns observed in the Linked Data ecosystem. In order to understand what’s really going on, one as to take in account the data, its publishers/consumers and the machines that serve it. Time also plays an important role and shouldn’t be neglected. This brings us to studying this ecosystem as a Complex System and that’s one of the thing that is keeping Paul, Frank, Stefan, Shenghui and myself busy these days ;-)

Exploring Linked Data content through network analysis