by Yi Zeng

Following the release of LarKC Chinese Website ( and several Chinese document related to LarKC (including translated user manual, introduction paper, slides, etc.), the LarKC project provides a LarKC Chinese Forum( to the Chinese Semantic Web researchers, developers and users.

The forum is located on the W3China website (The most influential Chinese WWW developer website which is devoted to promote W3C related technologies). We thank W3China for providing the special forum on their website. LarKC members are available for answering LarKC related questions and many up-to-date LarKC news, document will be shared through this forum.

In the mean time, LarKC is going to have the 4th early adopters tutorial in Beijing in Nov 13th, 2010. We will select questions, requirements through the forum and discuss them during the tutorial.

LarKC is very proud to be connected with Chinese WWW researchers, developers and practitioners. We are looking forward to meeting you on the  LarKC Chinese Forum !