by Zhisheng

The Chinese government has decided to make a big move to “Internet of Things”.  That may make China a semantic web superpower in coming few years.  Recently Ron Callari wrote an interesting article to make such an analysis:

China’s ‘Internet Of Things’ To Become Semantic Web Superpower?

The LarKC Consortium is going to have a project meeting in Beijing in November 2010. During the meeting, LarKC will have the 4th early adopters workshop in China. That is considered to be an important dissemination activity in China for LarKC.
We expect the act will capture much attention of the researchers and developers from China universities and industry, and perhaps some officers from the Chinese government. Urban computing and its stream processing and reasoning in the LarKC WP6 case study is considered to be one which provides a strong connection between the Semantic Web technology and Internet of Things.